Monday, September 15, 2008

Salzburg, Austria

The Pferdeschwemme (Horse Pond) in Salzburg, Austria which was built in 1695. The horses from the archbishop's were washed here. It was designed by Fischer v. Erlach and the horse frescos were made by the Court painter France Anton Ebner. In the center stands a statue of horse being trained. It was created by sculptor Michael Mandl. The splendid Horse Pond underlines the importance of horse in the Baroque period.

I had a great time during my adventure with a friend in UK here in Austria..

Getreidegasse, the sustained street of the medieval free city counts today as the most important shopping street the Mozart city and its frequented by countless tourists everyday. This narrow street has become famous with the many gilt and wrought-iron signs identifying the guilds of craftsmen who once lived here and offered their products and services..

Have fun shopping here!!


twinks said...

ambot na lang jud ning lakwatsera ng post napud diri..hehehehe
musta sis? ako ari naa sakit..
medyo slowdown muna sa blogging :]
ingat mwahugs!

Euroangel said...

elow Sis...bag-o ra pud ko nabanhaw....pirmi ko take migraine karun....haaay na lang...kapoy baya...di ta ka blogging...hehehe...unta mangaayo na ta Sis...para blogging na pud....
