Sunday, January 18, 2009

Manchester Eye, England

If you say that there is a so-called London Eye, Manchester also have an Eye. But anyway, London is the biggest ferris wheel I have ever seen. If I am not mistaken it is also the biggest in the world. Any idea out there? I could remember my visit to Manchester as seen on photo date here. We did a lot of walking here. I don't know how many kilometers we had walked last time. I thought I will be losing some weight but I guess I gained some because we kept on eating in the fastfood restaurants. Do you have any idea if Ephedrasil hardcore is really good for losing excess weight. We will see!! Goodnight folks it is past midnight again!!


New Creations said...

very amazing place.. adventure woman

Euroangel said...

I accidentally rejected this comment of Mel in my dashborad, author of the bigbang list...sorry Mel..happy that I was not able to delete it in my it is!!

SlogBite has left a new comment on your post "Manchester Eye, England":

Hi Euroangel,

You had left a comment on my "Big Bang" post so I thought I would visit you.

First I would love to add your sites to the Big Bang.

But, more than that, I would like to introduce you to my latest project. It is a new concept in Site Directories. I recently opened it, and it is still in the pre-launch stage, however, I am accepting participants in preparation for its official launch, hopefully, on 3/1/09. I already have almost 600 pre-launch entires.

One of the unique aspects of this directory is that my categories are very granular. Also, if you do not see your category, just ask and it can be created. In addition, you can be listed in multiple categories. Come on over, take a look and, hopefully, join in. As you will see, there will be plenty of exposure on other member sites through the "Category Widget." You would be a welcome addition to the SlogBite family. http://www.SlogBite.Com

I hope to see you there, with all of your sites.

If you have any questions, please let me know.
