Monday, January 12, 2009

Danube River in Salzburg

It's snow time in Salzburg. Background is the Danube River or Donau in German, is the longest river in the European Union and Europe's second longest river after the Volga. How can you imagine swimming in this freezing cold water..not a good idea!!


Unknown said...

Hi--My name is Art. You posted some pics of Hohenfels for me about a year ago. Thanks, they were nice. I am sorry but I must correct you, the Donau goes through Passau and on past Linz not through Salzburg. At Passau the river splits and the part that goes through Salzburg and on to the Konigssee is the Salzach. I've visited Salzburg several times but never in winter. Pictures that I have seen make it look beautiful. I have visited Hohenfels twice in the last 2 years after waiting for 38 years to do so. I met Lily this last trip but you were in London. Really enjoy your blogs. Keep up the good work!!! By the way, I am using my exwife's account but I am not Carrie, I am Art

Euroangel said...

Hi Art..thanks a lot for the info! will correct this post soon..appreciate it...I can accept my mistakes...hehehe... I guess I was in the US when as you went here last time. let me know when your coming can visit us here and might have some coffee...thanks for passing by here!!
